Our vision is "ZERO HARM to PEOPLE, ASSETS, and the ENVIRONMENT"
Our policy and culture at VTEK embraces and encourages employees and subcontractors to drive this value and achieve excellence in its work by upholding Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) philosophies and concepts.
VTEK's commitment is to protect our employees, other workers and the general public to whom we work for and with. VTEK has implemented a safety management system to provide governance, ensure compliance and for continuous improvement to achieve our objective of “GOAL ZERO” to our employees.
VTEK Consultants will maintain a safe and healthy work environment that is designed to eliminate the risk of an incident. Our slogan is: "WE BELIEVE IN ZERO INCIDENT !"
Our policy is all management and supervisory staff shall:
- Demonstrate visible leadership and provide the resources required.
Engage and encourage employees to think and work safe 24/7.
Continually evaluate and improve our HSE program to achieve and maintain world-class performance.
Provide proper equipment and training for people to work safe.
Identify hazards and implement appropriate control measures to eliminate or mitigate risks to as low as reasonably practical (ALARP).
Create an environment that promotes active employee engagement and participation in HSE.
Ensure compliance with applicable OHS Acts, Regulations, and Codes and any site policies, procedures, and codes of practice.
Our policy is all employees and contractors shall:
Plan and execute projects with agility, flexibility and responsiveness in accordance with all HSE requirements.
Systematically evaluate our designs and the conditions of the work sites to ensure safe working conditions exist and are maintained.
Apply a systematic breakdown of work steps for a specific job in a specific location to identify hazards associated with that job and determine the controls necessary to eliminate or mitigate these hazards as low as reasonably practical.
Understand, and comply with safe work practices, procedures, processes, regulations to ensure a safe work environment exists 24/7.
Understand rights and obligations including stop or decline work.
Take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of each other.
Pause and reassess whenever a change should occur.
Embrace, participate and cooperate in all HSE requirements and initiatives.
Explore and present innovative ways to further strengthen our safety culture to meet our vision.
Report all incidents and near misses
Celebrate and reward accomplishments and successes.
No business objective is more important than the health and safety of people and protection of the environment.
We care about the health and safety of every employee and we expect each employee to take ownership to ensure a safe work culture exists and share our basic value to protect people and the environment. Each employee must understand, accept, embrace and actively participate in a responsible professional manner to support VTEK’s safe work culture and objective. This safety policy and all HSSE requirements shall apply when ever you are working at any VTEK office, client site or working remotely at home on behalf of VTEK.